For Parents 

E-cigarettes and Vaping: Resources for Parents

E-cigarettes, vapes, hookah pens, e-pipes, and other vaping products are battery-powered devices that allow users to inhale, or vape, an e-juice (aerosolized liquid).


Hiding in Plain Sight

Is your teen hiding vaping from you in plain sight? Watch the video below to know what to look for, and learn how to start the important conversation with your kids about the dangers of vaping. 


Shareable Documents

Click the image below for downloadable social media images and messages.

Click the image below for downloadable posters that can be printed and shared.



Youth Vaping/Tobacco Cessation Program

E-cigarettes and vaping are not safe for youth.

Nearly all e-cigarettes contain nicotine. Nicotine is highly addictive and can harm the developing adolescent brain. Because the brain is still developing until about age 25, youth and young adult exposure to nicotine can lead to addiction and disrupt attention and learning. No amount of nicotine is safe for youth.

Almost one in four Iowa 11th grade students have used e-cigarettes in the past 30 days according to the 2018 Iowa Youth Survey. Recent evidence suggests that, compared to youth who have never used them, youth who have tried e-cigarettes are much more likely to start smoking in the future.

Learn more about the Health Risks of Nicotine for Youth.


E-cigarettes attract kids despite the dangers.

  • E-cigarettes are available in fruit and candy flavors; flavored tobacco products appeal to youth.
  • A majority of Iowa high school students have seen ads for e-cigarettes in the past 30 days.
  • E-cigarettes are available for purchase online.


E-cigarette aerosol contains harmful chemicals.

Similar to secondhand smoke from cigarettes and other tobacco products, aerosol from e-cigarettes (often called vapor) contains harmful and potentially harmful constituents, such as ultrafine particles, heavy metals like nickel, tin, and lead, and other cancer-causing chemicals.


Exposure may increase risk of breathing problems.

Exposure to e-cigarette aerosol may be a trigger for both kids and adults with breathing problems, such as asthma, increasing their risk of severe asthma attacks. 


Talk to your kids about the dangers of e-cigarette use.

Parents, know the risks of tobacco use and the different types of products kids are using. E-cigarettes are the most commonly used tobacco product among youth, and nearly all e-cigarettes contain nicotine, which is highly addictive. Talk to your kids about these risks and set firm expectations that they do not use any type of tobacco product, including e-cigarettes and vapes. Understand that e-cigarette use, commonly called vaping, is not harmless.  This Tip Sheet is a great resource to get the conversation started with youth, it even provides texting options.


Learn more

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