To Parents of Young Children Ages Birth to Five Years:

Child holding a plant

Have you ever…

  • Been concerned about your child’s development, learning, or social emotional behavior?
  • Experienced family stress, which you think might be impacting the ability of your child to reach his/her developmental milestones?
  • Been unable to seek early intervention support for your child because you’re unsure who to connect with?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. Most parents have developmental or social emotional concerns at some point during their child's development. Talking with your child's primary care provider can help. Primary health care providers who are part of Iowa's 1st Five network of medical professionals may refer you to our 1st Five Developmental Support Specialists ~ experts in linking local resources to parental concerns. 1st Five Developmental Support Services are free, voluntary and confidential.

Remember, early experiences will shape the way children think, feel and behave as adults.

  • Watch one baby's emotional response to her mother here.

What can parents do to support their child's development?

Take your child to the doctor for regular check-ups. Well-child exams are the one place where nearly all families have contact with a health care provider. If you have concerns about your child's development, learning, or social emotional behavior, talk to your child's doctor about these concerns, and ask about a developmental screening.

Parent Model

Learn More About Developmental Impacts of Nutrition

1st Five Nutrition Video Series