EMS Clinical Guidelines 

State approved protocols for all levels of service authorization and the approved trauma transfer protocols are available here.

Your suggestions for protocol improvements are always welcome and can be submitted to the QASP subcommittee members or your EMS field staff.

National Model EMS Clinical Guidelines, Version 2.2 – January 2019

In September 2014, the National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO) released the first (inaugural) version of the National Model EMS Clinical Guidelines.Since the September 2014 release, the National Model Clinical Guidelines continues to be utilized by EMS practitioners, EMS agencies, medical directors, and other healthcare organizations both in the US and internationally.Version 2.2 released in January of 2019 reflects the most recent updates to the National EMS Clinical Guidelines. The intent of the Clinical Guidelines is to assist in a command approach to assessment and treatment of potential patients that EMS providers may encounter.

The National EMS Clinical Guidelines provides detailed information on patients and treatment options, it does not replace local protocols. The Clinical Guidelines should be viewed as a reference when developing or enhancing local protocols.

The Bureau of Emergency and Trauma Services (BETS) has worked with the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council (EMSAC) to format the National EMS Clinical Guidelines, Version 2.2, into an electronic version that can be easily accessed and searched for specific patient conditions or presentations.

A PDF version of the NASEMSO National EMS Clinical Guidelines, Version 2.2 (January 2019) may be downloaded at the following link: NASEMSO National EMS Clinical Guidelines PDF