Administrative Rules

Administrative Rules govern the trauma system.    These rules establish guidance for hospital trauma programs in Iowa and are the binding rules by which every trauma care facility must abide.  

Chapter 147a

Chapter 147a is the legislation that establishes the trauma system in Iowa. This chapter establishes the Iowa Department of Public Health as the lead agency in the state responsible for the development of a statewide trauma system. Subsection II, known as the "Iowa Trauma Care System Development Act," outlines the goal of the trauma system, which is to coordinate the medical needs of the injured person with an integrated system of optimal and cost-effective trauma care. The result of a well-coordinated statewide trauma care system is to reduce the incidences of inadequate trauma care and preventable deaths, minimize human suffering, and decrease the costs associated with preventable mortality and morbidity. 

Chapter 641 - 134

Chapter 134 outlines how each trauma center is categorized and verified and what criteria are used for these purposes.  This rule also establishes Iowa as an inclusive trauma system.  Which means, all hospitals in Iowa must be verified at the level of care which can be provided by the facility.  This rule also establishes that proceedings, records, and reports developed pursuant to this chapter constitute peer review records and are not subject to discovery by subpoena nor they can be admissible as evidence.  This rule also establishes that all information and documents received by the Iowa Department of Public Health from a hospital, emergency care facility, or trauma care facility shall be confidential.

Chapter 641 - 135

Chapter 135 outlines the use of trauma triage and transfer protocols that have been approved by the Iowa Department of Public Health, to assist personnel from each service program and trauma care facility.  The out-of-hospital Trauma Triage Destination Decision Protocol for adults and pediatrics is adopted by reference in this administrative rule.

Chapter 641 - 136

Chapter 136 outlines the use of the Iowa Trauma Patient Data Dictionary for use of reportable patient data. The chapter also discusses the submission benchmark of 80 percent of cases entered into the registry within 60 days of patient discharge. It also outlines the release of reportable patient data and the requests thereof.  

Chapter 641 - 137

Chapter 137 outlines initial trauma education requirements for physicians, physician assistants, advanced registered nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and licensed practical nurses who are identified as trauma team members at a facility.  Registered nurses should complete Trauma Nursing Course Objective (2007) within one year of hire.  Physicians, PAs, and ARNPs are required to comply with the education criteria specific to the level for which the facility is verified.  For continuing education RN’s and LPN’s must complete 16 hours of continuing trauma education with a minimum of four hours as formal education every four years. Physicians, PAs, and ARNPs are required to comply with the education criteria specific to the level for which the trauma care facility is verified.

Chapter 641 - 138

Chapter 138 establishes the purpose and duties of the Trauma System Advisory Council (TSAC), as well as, the membership and officers. This rule also outlines the meetings, subcommittee designation, confidentiality, documentation, and expenses of the council.  


This page was last updated in April 2022.