Program Benefits

Why Better Choices, Better Health?

Chronic diseases and conditions affect many people and disproportionately affect older Iowans. Fortunately, a large body of scientific evidence exists demonstrating the effectiveness of low-cost self-care programs that can reduce adults’ risk of disease, disability, and injury. These evidence-based programs empower individuals to take control of their own health through lifestyle and behavior changes.

What Makes the Better Choices, Better Health Workshops Effective?

Classes are highly participative, where mutual support and success build the participants’ confident in their ability to manage their health and maintain active and fulfilling lives.

Better Choices, Better Health workshops will not conflict with existing programs or treatments. They are designed to enhance regular treatment and disease-specific education. In addition, many participants have more than one chronic condition. The program is especially helpful for these individuals, as it gives them skills to coordinate all the things needed to manage their health, as well as to help keep them active.

"I would encourage others that may be struggling with everday issues to take this course to help them unwind and enjoy the moment. This class teaches you these ways." -Better Choices, Better Health Workshop Participant, 2020 
"Better Choices, Better Health provided exactly what I needed and after six weeks of classes, I walked away with a much better understanding of how to better deal with stress, pain, communication, better eating, decision making, using my mind to manage symptoms, and more. I left feeling empowered, more focused, and better prepared for what's to come. My husband and I are using so much of what we learned in the workshops. It's amazing how much easier things have become. This program is of great value to anyone dealing with a chronic condition." -Better Choices, Better Health Workshop Participant 


Improving Quality of Life and Health Care Outcomes Through CDSME Programs

For more information please contact:
Ali Grossman, MA, RDN, LD
Better Choices, Better Health Program Coordinator
(515) 371-7768