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Overview of Lead-Safe Renovation Rules

Renovation can disturb paint. This includes sanding, cutting, and demolition. Renovation in pre-1978 buildings can create lead dust and chips. These can hurt adults and children.

In 2008, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued rules for renovation. They apply to renovation in pre-1978 housing (target housing). They also apply to pre-1978 child-occupied facilities (daycare centers, kindergartens). Beginning April 22, 2010, renovators across the nation must be certified. They must also follow lead-safe work practices. The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) will carry out these rules in Iowa. Certified people will be called “lead-safe renovators.”

What buildings are covered by the rule?

  • Target housing: Housing built before 1978.
  • Child-occupied facilities: Home daycares, daycare centers, preschools, kindergarten classrooms, or other buildings built before 1978.

What activities are covered by the rule?

Any work that disturbs painted surfaces in pre-1978 homes and child-occupied facilities. Some examples are:

  • Removing painted components such as doors and windows.
  • Repairing a painted surface or preparing it for repainting.
  • Replacing windows.
  • Removing walls and ceilings.

Who must comply with the rules?

Anyone who disturbs paint in target housing and child-occupied facilities. This includes:

  • Renovation and remodeling contractors.
  • Contractors who replace windows and doors.
  • Rental property owners.
  • Maintenance workers.
  • Painters.
  • Some plumbers and electricians.

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