Recommendations For Parents

  1. Check the home for possible lead hazards 
  2. Make sure children do not have access to peeling paint or chewable surfaces painted with lead-based paint. Create barriers between living/play areas until the hazard has been fixed or removed.
  3. Use lead-safe work practices  when doing repairs, maintenance or remodeling, or hire a certified lead-safe renovator.
  4. Pregnant women and children should not be present in housing built before 1978 that is undergoing renovation.
  5. Regularly wash children’s hands, especially before snacks, meals, naps and after playing on the floor, by a window, on a porch or outdoors.
  6. Regularly mop floors and window areas with soapy water, then rinse well.
  7. Wash toys, blankets and stuffed animals often.
  8. Prevent children from playing in bare soil; if possible, provide them with sandboxes away from painted siding.
  9. Talk to the state or local health department about testing paint and dust from at-risk homes for lead.

The following resources can be used to educate parents and provide then with information on blood lead testing and lead poisoning prevention:

For more information on lead poisoning contact us at 1-800-972-2026 or online at Contact Us.