BRFSS Data by County

BRFSS data highlighting select topics for each of the 99 Iowa counties is provided below. State rates and rates grouped by the state's six regional community health consultant region assignments are also presented for comparison.

Topics include: alcohol consumption, tobacco use, gambling, chronic health indicators, disability status, depression, physical activity, overweight/obesity, immunization, health status, days of poor health and healthcare access/coverage. 

Please note: Iowa BRFSS county data is grouped together by 4-year time increments. Combining multiple years increases the sample size per county (and region) for the reported prevalence rates. Having a larger sample size increases the reliability of the data, allowing for better estimation. Smaller counties may not contain enough data to report reliable estimates, even with the combination of 4 consecutive years. In this case, regional prevalence rates may be of particular use, at a sub-state level. In the files provided, the bolded estimates represent weighted data, which means that these estimates are representative of the state, region or county. The non-bolded estimates represent only the responses of the BRFSS respondents in the aggregate years specified for counties.

If you would like to request additional Iowa BRFSS data, please fill out this BRFSS data request form

Use the IDPH Contact Us system to submit a question online to the Iowa BRFSS Program.