
Iowa Law Pertaining to Child Protection Centers

Iowa Child Protection Centers 

Prevent Child Abuse

  • PCA America - Since 1972, Prevent Child Abuse America has led the way in building awareness, providing education and inspiring hope to everyone involved in the effort to prevent the abuse and neglect of our nation's children. Working with our chapters, we provide leadership to promote and implement prevention efforts at both the national and local levels. With the help of our state chapters and concerned individuals like you we're valuing children, strengthening families and engaging communities nationwide.
  • PCA Iowa - Founded in 1975, Prevent Child Abuse Iowa's fundamental --- and critically important - mission is to end child abuse in the entire state of Iowa. Its single-minded focus on prevention is unique in the child abuse field, where most efforts involve counseling and treating children and families after abuse has already occurred.

Other Resources

For More Information, Contact Monica Wilke-Brown at (515) 281-4816