Reporting of HIV

Reporting Guidelines PDF

Who should be reported?

  1. Newly diagnosed HIV-positive persons,
  2. Persons previously diagnosed, but new to the provider, and
  3. Children born to HIV-positive women.

For newly diagnosed adult persons (>13 years of age):

  • Fill out the Iowa Adult HIV/AIDS Case Report Form.
  • In addition to the information on the form, we want to know:
    • Client’s past testing history and why they tested this time;
    • How the client responded to notification of a positive confirmatory test result;
    • Client’s living situation (living with parents? By himself? etc);
    • Best way to contact the client; and
    • Details of any referrals for care and treatment.

The comment section of the case report form is a good place to report additional information. 

For persons previously diagnosed, but new to the provider (>13 years of age):

  • Fill out the Iowa Adult HIV/AIDS Case Report Form.

The comment section of the case report form is a good place to report additional information. 

For children born to HIV-positive women (or newly diagnosed children ≤13 years age):

  • Fill out the Iowa Pediatric HIV/AIDS Case Report Form. All essential information on pediatric reporting are contained in the form. Please complete with as much detail as possible.
  • Use the comment section of the form to report any additional information.   


We assign all persons with a new diagnosis of HIV to a Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) for delivery of Partner Services. 

In this regard:

  • It is important to gather patient phone numbers and addresses.
  • It is important to find out as much as possible about the client’s living situation, marital status, employment, and other relevant information.
  • The above details help the DIS to do a proper job of contacting the client and protecting confidentiality.
  • DIS are skilled at providing HIV education and information about available resources and services.  They are also glad to offer their assistance in confidentially notifying the client’s sex and/or needle-sharing partners.
  • It is very useful if HIV testing sites and physicians tell the client to expect a call from a DIS. We assign to a DIS after clients are notified of their diagnosis.


Completed HIV reporting forms may be sent by U.S. Mail, or we are happy to receive the information via the telephone.  Mailing address and telephone numbers are on the form. Please do not fax the completed form.   


Please feel free to contact the HIV surveillance staff with any questions or comments.

Alagie “Al” Jatta, HIV/AIDS Surveillance Coordinator: 515-322-8819

Samoane Don, MPH,  HIV Surveillance Epidemiologist: 515-721-8486