Reporting of Hepatitis C

Reporting Guidelines PDF

Patients with the following laboratory results should be reported:

  1. Screening tests:
    1. Anti-HCV: Positive or reactive
  2. Confirmatory tests:
    1. HCV RNA, NAT, or PCR: Positive or reactive test results
    2. HCV RNA, NAT, or PCR: Negative or not detected test results
    3. Genotyping: Detected or not detected results

Medical providers who diagnose patients with HCV and laboratories who find positive results are required to report. Many laboratories now have automated processes (e.g., Electronic Laboratory Reporting) to report their results. The technology for automated reporting directly from medical providers is not fully developed at this time.

All identified forms of viral hepatitis are reportable to the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH), as mandated by Iowa Code section 139A.3. Due to the infectious nature of each form of viral hepatitis, it is necessary that each case be reported so that prevention and control efforts may be initiated by IDPH.

The most common method of reporting by medical providers is by completing the form titled, “Iowa Disease Reporting Card”. The form may be faxed in to the number located at the top of the form.

For questions related to reporting of HCV, please contact: Shane Scharer, Hepatitis Data Coordinator at (515) 281-5027.