+Reports & Data

IDPH Public Health Tracking Portal

For all available years of data for Oral Health Emergency Department visits, Oral Health Hospitalizations, and EPSDT please visit the IDPH Public Health Tracking Portal.

The Hidden Cost of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is preventable. Dental restorative treatment is avoidable, costly and more invasive than preventive dental care. Young children with large amounts of tooth decay often require surgery in an operating room to treat the disease. This graphic demonstrates Iowa's medical costs for dental disease reinforcing the importance of reducing preventable decay through early preventive care.  

Hidden Cost of Dental Decay Infographic PDF

Iowa Oral Health Plan 

This five-year state plan, compiled by the Iowa Department of Public Health with input from multiple state stakeholders, identifies five focus areas for future oral health strategies. Each focus area consists of multiple objectives and activities to guide efforts for improving the oral health of Iowans. Input for the plan was gathered through an environmental scan, a strategic planning forum, and through ongoing stakeholder communication and feedback.

Burden of Oral Disease in Iowa Report 2016

This report provides information on the burden of oral disease, risk and protective factors for oral disease, and access to oral health services for Iowans in each stage of life. Created as part of a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) project, this report can be printed and shared in its entirety or as individual factsheets.

Full Report

Individual Factsheets

Certificate of Dental Screening Audit Reports

Community Water Fluoridation Reports

Optimal Community Water Fluoridation In Iowa Strategic Plan

Optimal Community Water Fluoridation in Iowa Communication Plan

For communities that add fluoride, the Iowa Department of Public Health receives monthly operating reports from water systems. This data is monitored and entered into the CDC website My Water's Fluoride. Subsequently, an annual report is created from this data.  

  • 2019 PDF (full document)
  • 2018 PDF (full document)
  • 2018 PDF (one-page summary)
  • 2017 PDF (full document)
  • 2017 PDF (one-page summary)

Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) Dental Services Reports

The EPSDT program assures comprehensive health services for children enrolled in Medicaid. The EPSDT Dental Services Reports provide annual county data for dental services provided to Medicaid-enrolled children in Iowa. All information is based on services provided within a federal fiscal year (October 1 - September 30).

Beginning in 2013, the report provides information on the number of Medicaid-enrolled children receiving:

  • Any dental services or oral health services by dentists/dental clinics/dental hygienists, medical providers, and Title V agency nurses
  • Any oral health services by medical providers and Title V agency nurses
  • Any dental services by dentists/dental clinics/dental hygienists

Contact the Oral Health Center to obtain reports prior to 2016.

Environmental Scans

Oral Health Center staff have conducted two environmental scans as part of a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention project to improve Iowa’s oral health strategic planning efforts. The 2014 summary includes survey data and information from both state personnel and external stakeholders. The 2016 summary is a follow-up report with updated survey data and information from state personnel. 

Head Start Oral Health Survey Report

The Iowa Department of Public Health has coordinated an open-mouth surveys of children enrolled in the state Head Start program. These reports describe the process for conducting the oral health survey and the results from each of these surveys.

I-Smile Summary

The I-Smile summaries detail the oral health issues children face within the state of Iowa and the impact of the I-Smile dental home program. Each summary highlights both the success of I-Smile as well as areas of concern needing further attention. Contact the bureau to obtain reports prior to 2018.

I-Smile @ School Reports

The I-Smile @ School reports detail how the Iowa Department of Public Health’s preventive school-based dental program works and related data. This program, which focuses on improving the oral health of Iowa’s students in the school setting, provides dental screenings, sealants, fluoride varnish, oral health education, and care coordination services. Contact the Oral Health Center to obtain reports prior to 2015.

Older Adult Survey 

The Iowa Department of Public Health has coordinated an open-mouth survey for older adults in congregate meal sites.  This report describes the process for conducting this survey and the survey results. 

Public Health Supervision Service Reports

In 2003, the Iowa Board of Dental Examiners approved a rule change allowing public health supervision of dental hygienists. Under this rule, a dental hygienist can enter into a collaborative agreement with a dentist, allowing the hygienist to provide services to patients prior to those patients being seen by a dentist. The Oral Health Center is responsible for collecting the annual reports of services provided by dental hygienists working under public health supervision. Contact the Oral Health Center to obtain reports prior to 2015.

School Oral Health Survey Reports

The following reports describe the background, methodology, and results from open-mouth surveys conducted in selected Iowa schools. Each survey is conducted on 3rd graders only. Contact the Oral Health Center to obtain reports prior to 2012.

The Impact of Unaddressed Dental Disease

Oral health is the silent epidemic. Despite being one of the most prevalent diseases in the United States, dental disease often does not receive the needed attention from policymakers and from the public. Public Health Dental Director Dr. Bob Russell details this problem in his report and notes how untreated dental disease has resulted increased visits to hospital emergency rooms.

WIC Oral Health Survey Report

The Iowa Department of Public Health coordinated an open-mouth survey of children enrolled in the state WIC program (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) during the spring and summer of 2010. This report describes the process of conducting the oral health survey and the results.