Petition to Add Qualifying Conditions

Who Can Submit a Petition?

Any person may file a petition to add medical conditions.  

The petition form may be filled out electronically or hand-written, and then completed with a signature and date.  The petition may be emailed, mailed or hand delivered to: 

Iowa Department of Public Health
Office of Medical Cannabidiol 
Lucas State Office Building
321 E. 12th Street
Des Moines, IA  50319-0075
Email:  medical.cannabidiol@idph.iowa.gov


Timelines for Review

  • Petitions must be submitted a minimum of one month in advance of the next scheduled Medical Cannabidiol Board meeting in order to be place on the agenda for that meeting.
  • Fill out a different petition for each condition.
  • Completely fill out each section that applies to the petition. Failure to do so may result in a denial of consideration by the board.
  • The board may request additional information concerning the petition, and will notify the petitioner if more information is needed.
  • At the next scheduled board meeting (if the petition is provided at least one month in advance), the board will consider the petition. Petitioners may provide public commet about the petition during the board meeting.
  • The board has six months to deny or approve the petition. If approved, the petitioner will be notified of the board's decision. If the petition is denied, the petitioner will be notified of the reason for denial.


Petition Process

  1. The Medical Cannabidiol Board hears petitions from the public and votes to approve (or amend and approve) or deny the condition.
  2. If approved, IDPH forwards the approved condition to the Board of Medicine, which also considers the condition and votes to approve or deny the petitioner's request.
  3. If the Board of Medicine approves the addition of the condition, the Board of Medicine will notice an administrative will with the condition. 
  4. The Legislative Services Agency publishes the noticed rules in the Administrative Bulletin
  5. The Administrative Rules Review Committee (ARCC) reviews the noticed rule at a meeting where the public may comment.
  6. The Board of Medicine staff accepts comments and may hold a public hearing.
  7. The Board of Medicine staff reviews oral and written comments and may make changes to the rule accordingly.
  8. The Board of Medicine considers the revised rule at a public meeting and votes to adopt (or not).
  9. The Legislative Services Agency publishes the adopted rules with an effective date at least 35 days from the date of publication of the adopted rule.
  10. The Administrative Rules Review Committee reviews the adopted rules, and takes comments from the public at an ARRC meeting. The committee can take no action, in which case the rule becomes effective on the date proposed by the Board of Medicine, or can vote to do the following (delay the effective date by 70 days, delay the effective date until the end of the next session of the legislature.
  11. The rule takes effect - effective date may depend on action taken by the ARRC to delay the effective date.


Petitions to Add Debilitating Medical Conditions

The following conditions have been petitioned by the public for consideration by our Medical Cannabidiol Board for addition to our qualifying conditions list. These conditions have either been denied, approved, or amended and approved before being forwarded to the Board of Medicine for additional consideration.


Petition Date Received Petition Board Order Board Meeting Addressed Board Decision Board of Medicine Decision Effective Date
ADHD 9.18.2018 Petition Board Order 11.28.2018 Denied    
ADHD 12.7.2019 Petition   02.14.2020 Denied    
Adult Autism with Aggression and/or Self-Injury 2.4.2019 Petition Board Order 4.16.2019 Approved - Combined with "Severe Intractable Autism with Self-Injurious or Aggressive Behaviors" Denied  
Alzheimer's Disease 9.3.2019 Petition   11.2.2019 Denied    
Any rare condition or disease that affects less than 200,000 individuals in the U.S., as defined in federal law, refractory to conventional treatment 4.1.2020 Petition   6.19.2020 Denied    
Autism  8.23.2018 Petition Board Order 11.2.2018 Approved - Amended to "Severe, Intractable Pediatric Autism with Self-Injurious Behavior" Approved 5.1.2019
Bipolar Disorder 5.29.2018 Petition Board Order 11.2.2018 Denied    
Corticobasal Degeneration 11.7.2018 Petition Board Order 2.1.2019 Approved Approved 10.16.2019
*Dry Flower Vaping (Petitioned as a "New Medical Treatment") 9.3.2019 Petition   11.1.2019 Denied    
Ganglioglioma 9.6.2018 Petition Board Order 11.2.2018 Denied    
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 5.16.2019 Petition Board Order 8.2.2019 Denied    
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 3.4.2020 Petition   6.19.2020 Denied    
Intellectual Disability (ID) with Aggression and/or Self-Injury 9.10.2019 Petition Board Order 11.2.2019 Approved Approved TBD
Opioid Dependency, Tolerance & Use Disorder 7.22.2019 Petition Board Order 8.2.2019 Denied    
Opioid Dependency, Tolerance, & Use Disorder 9.30.2019 Petition   11.2.2019 Denied    
Panic Disorder 10.18.2020 Petition   2.14.2020 Denied    
Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) 8.31.2020 Petition   11.13.2020 Denied    
PTSD 5.29.2018 Petition Board Order 11.2.2018 Denied    
PTSD 7.18.2019 Petition Board Order 11.2.2019 Approved Denied  
PTSD, OCD, Schizophrenia, etc. 4.29.2019 Petition Board Order 8.2.2019 Denied    
PTSD, Refractory to Standard Treatment 2.10.20 Petition   06.19.2020 Withdrawn - Added to Statute by HF2589    
Pulmonary Hypertension/Right Heart Failure 11.16.2018 Petition Board Order 2.1.2019 Denied    
Severe Intractable Autism with Self-Injurious or Aggressive Behaviors 3.7.2019 Petition Board Order 4.16.19 Approved - Combined with "Adult Autism with aggression and/or self-injury." Denied  
Severe or Chronic Pain 7.22.2019 Petition Board Order 8.2.2019 Approved - Amended to "Chronic Pain" Denied  
Tourette Syndrome 2.20.2020 Petition   6.19.2020 Denied    
Trigeminal Neuralgia 4.5.2019 Petition Board Order 8.3.2018 Denied    
Ulcerative Colitis 7.16.2018 Petition Board Order 8.3.2018 Approved Approved 2.20.2019


Have a question? Contact us using this link, or call us at 515-725-2076