Workforce Development

IDPH is committed to a workforce with diverse skills and perspectives, experience with underserved populations, a willingness to learn, cultural humility, listening skills, and competencies required to effectively understand and address health inequities. The department actively works to identify and address knowledge gaps through ongoing workforce training and development. The IDPH Workforce Development Plan is part of these efforts.

The Workforce Development Plan also addresses the changing demographics of the workforce, the challenges of retaining employees and the need for orienting new, incoming employees. The department has a formal orientation system for all permanent new hires. Research shows a quality orientation of new employees increases retention rates, increases engagement and decreases the time for the employees to become fully productive.

Acknowledging the need to maintain a qualified workforce in the future, IDPH provides internship opportunities for students to learn about public health through experiential learning. IDPH has sponsored student interns from colleges and universities across Iowa, other states and other nations.


If you are interested in a career in public health, please visit NEOGOV for opportunities at IDPH. IDPH offers meaningful work with great benefits.   


IDPH offers quality student internships. Visit the IDPH Internships page for current and ongoing internship opportunities and to apply for unpaid internships. Paid internships are posted on the Department of Administrative Services website at https://das.iowa.gov/. The majority of internships are unpaid, but the experience is hands-on and rewarding. Examples of past student projects include developing e-learning programs, assisting in data collection and helping organize conferences.

For more information:

Kayleigh Jones, Education Coordinator
Lucas State Office Building
321 E 12th Street
Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0075
Phone: (515) 537-5127