PRAMS Methodology

Brief Description

Mom holding Infant

The PRAMS sample of women who have had a recent live birth is drawn from the state's birth certificate file. Iowa samples about 1,800 women per year. Women from some groups are sampled at a higher rate to ensure adequate data are available in smaller but higher risk populations.

Detailed PRAMS Methodology

One strength of the PRAMS surveillance system is the standardized data collection methodology. This standardized approach allows for comparisons among states and for optimal use of the data for single-state or multi-state analysis. Each state follows the protocol, but also has the opportunity to customize some portions of it to tailor the procedures to the needs of the state.

PRAMS combines two modes of data collection: a survey conducted by mailed questionnaire with multiple follow-up attempts, and a survey by telephone. Here is the sequence of contacts for PRAMS surveillance as performed in Iowa:

Sequence of Activities

Action Item



Pre-letter mailed

This letter introduces PRAMS to the mother and informs her that a questionnaire will soon arrive.

Day 1

Initial Mail Questionnaire Packet mailed

This packet is sent to all sampled mothers 3 days after the pre-letter.

Day 8

Tickler/Reminder letter mailed

The tickler serves as a thank you and a reminder note.

Day 15

Second Mail Questionnaire Packet mailed

This packet is sent to all sampled mothers who have not responded 7 days after the tickler was sent.

Day 29

Third Mail Questionnaire Packet mailed

This third packet is sent to all remaining nonrespondents 7 days after the second questionnaire.

Day 43

Telephone Follow-up

Telephone follow-up is initiated for all mail nonrespondents 7 days after mailing the last questionnaire.

Initiated Day 57

Ends Day 95

Table Description

The pre-letter is mailed on Day 1 of the mail phase. This letter introduces PRAMS to the mother and informs her that questionnaire will soon arrive. The initial mail questionnaire packet is mailed on Day 8. This packet is sent to all sampled mothers three days after the pre-letter was mailed. A reminder letter is sent on Day 15 and serves as a thank you and a reminder note to return the survey. On Day 29, a questionnaire packet is mailed to all sampled mothers who have not responded. A third questionnaire packet is mailed on Day 43 to the remaining non-respondents. If a mom does not respond with a completed questionnaire by day 57, she will be contacted by telephone to complete the survey over the phone. Phone follow-up ends on Day 95.

Questionnaire Documents

Each mailed questionnaire contains an introductory letter, a consent letter, the questionnaire booklet, a frequently asked questions brochure, a calendar, a health resource bookmark, and a postage-paid return envelope. All documents are available in both English and Spanish. The consent letters can be found below.

Informed Consent - English   pdf

Informed Consent - Spanish   PDF

For more information about Iowa PRAMS, call 1-800-383-3826 or (515) 725-2833. You may send a question online by clicking on the Contact Us link at the top of the page. Please select Maternal and Child Health as the Message subject on the Contact Us page.