Get Certified

Iowa’s radon program approves applications for persons who wish to become certified to perform radon testing or credentialed to perform mitigation and laboratories that provide radon testing devices and analytical services.

Review the appropriate Guide below for the requirements for initial training and exam requirements, the necessary qualifications for application and certification and the documents that must uploaded or submitted with your application. The requirements and content of the documents are different for each of the certifications/credentials so please read the Guide(s) carefully (REV. 3-2021). Click on one of the appropriate hyperlink below:

Application for Certification, Certification Renewal and Account Management

To apply for certification/credentialing, renew your certification/credential or manage/update your account, follow the below link to the department's new Regulatory Programs Radon webpage: www.idph.iowa.gov/regulatory-programs/radon

Detailed instructions for creating an account, applying for certification, renewing your certification and managing/updating your account are available on the website above.

If you do not have access to a computer or internet please call the IDPH Radon Program at (515) 281-4928 for assistance.

Iowa Code and Administrative Code References

Radon Education

For radon professional certification and continuing education (CE), the Iowa Department of Public Health recognizes initial training courses and continuing education courses approved by the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) and the National Radon Safety Board (NRSB). Information on taking one of the above organizations national certification exams can also be found at the above websites.

Classroom training for measurement and mitigation in Iowa is facilitated by the Midwest Universities Radon Consortium (MURC) located at the Kansas State University Engineering Extension. Initial training classes for both measurement and mitigation are normally held in the spring and fall,  however, due to the COVID -19 pandemic this schedule has been modified. To view a class schedule or to register for a class visit their website; https://radoncourses.com/, or by calling (833) 723-6222. MURC will periodically provide classes in Iowa or surrounding states that qualify for continuing education (CE) credit towards certification renewal. Please refer to the above MURC website for class announcements and sign up. All classes are subject to cancellation if not enough students are registered to attend the class.

If you have a question about acceptable training or continuing education courses, please contact the IDPH Radon Program at (515) 281-4928.

2023 EPA Region 7 Radon Stakeholders' Meeting Info

The 17th Annual EPA Region 7 Radon Stakeholder’s Meeting is tentatively planned to be held in March 2023. The meeting will be hosted by the State of Iowa. More information on registration and reservations will be made available later this year.

This meeting is held at no cost for all those that have a stake in protecting the public from unnecessary exposure to radon in their homes, schools and businesses.  It is the intent of U.S. EPA Region 7 and its partners; the Iowa Department of  Health and Human Services, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, and the Heartland Chapter of AARST (American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists) to bring interested stakeholders together to discuss common issues, provide insight into the future, understand radon issues from other perspectives, share, educate and network. Typically attendees will qualify for continuing education credit in Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska and for NRPP and NRSB. It is expected that 6 continuing education hours will be approved for use towards you Iowa measurement certification or mitigation credential renewal.

We hope to see you in Iowa in 2023!

Resources for applicants and certified/credentialed individuals