

Model Policy Resources

Policy Database

Tips and Trick of Policy Adoption from CPs

Model TF/NF Policies

The table below links to our current "model policy" language examples. An organization does not need to adopt our model language but each model policy will list at the bottom what elements the policy must contain in order to receive signage (if available). Please ask your CHC if you have questions about model policies or have a suggestion to improve them.
The links in the table are all PDFs. If you need an editable version please use the link below. 

Editable Word Model policies

Model Policy Draft Press Release


Model Worksite Policy

Model K-12 School Policy

Model County Fair Policy

Model Outdoor Event and Places Policy

Model Rodeo Policy

Model Park Policy

Model College Policy

Model Pharmacy No-sale Policy

Model Childcare Policy (2022 update)



Fact Sheets/Leave Behind Docs

If you would like TUPC to print these, please let your CHC know.

Prohibiting sale of tobacco products in pharmacies
Updated 1/21/2022