Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Long Term Care

Latest Updates 

Discharge to a Long-Term Care Facility 4.1.22

LTC Resource Quick Reference Guide 8.17.21

SHL LTC Testing Guidance 5.11.21

LTC Antigen Testing Guidance 5.6.21

Long Term Care Guidance for Vaccine Accessibility 3.24.21

PPE Donning and Doffing Checklist 11.19.20

IDPH LTC Staffing Guidance 11.3.20

CMS Testing Requirements for Long-Term Care Facilities 9.16.20

CDC Healthcare Worker Return to Work Guidance (IDPH recommends using the non-test strategy discussed in this document)

CDC's What to do if You Are Sick (IDPH recommends the non-test based strategy discussed in this document)

Letter template for LTC resident diagnosed with COVID-19

Letter template for LTC staff diagnosed with COVID-19

CDC Guidelines for Strategies for Optimizing the Supply of N95 Respirators

Retirement Communities and Independent Living

Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in Retirement Communities and Independent Living Facilities 

COVID-19 Checklist: Older Persons

Interactive Resources

Reporting COVID-19 test results for Long Term Care facilities (5:54) 3.29.22

Reporting COVID-19 test results for Long Term Care facilities Slides and Transcript 3.29.22

Interactive Checklist for LTC Facilities Experiencing COVID-19 Outbreaks 3.2.22

Information on IDPH LTC Office Hours 11.5.21

Isolation versus Quarantine (22:12) 10.8.21

Isolation versus Quarantine Slides and Transcript 10.8.21

CDC Mini Webinar Series for Long Term Care on YouTube