Anatomical Gift Public Awareness and Transplantation Fund


All anatomical gift grant applications are to be sent to:
Iowa Donor Network
Attn: Anatomical Gift Program
550 Madison Avenue
North Liberty, IA 52317

In 1996 the Iowa Legislature established an Anatomical Gift Public Awareness and Transplantation Fund (see Iowa Code 142C.15). At the time of motor vehicle registration or renewal, Iowans are asked if they wish to donate a dollar or more to this fund. These donated funds may be used to award grants to the following:

Category 1. State agencies or nonprofit entities to conduct public awareness projects;
Category 2. Hospitals for in-hospital anatomical gift public awareness projects and referral protocols, and;
Category 3. Transplant recipients or candidates, living organ donors or legal representatives, for transplantation expenses not covered by a third-party payer.

Expenses incurred by awardees are reimbursed upon receipt and approval of supportive documentation.

Category 1 and 2 awards are based on a scheduled competitive process; Category 3 grants are reviewed on an on-going basis and as funds allow.

NOTE: please be aware the State of Iowa did not allow exceptions for lodging during COVID-19.  Home Away, Vrbo, Airbnb, Timeshare points and similar type lodging expenses are not eligible for reimbursement.

Effective 8/1/2021, lodging reimbursement increased to $120 + taxes per night.  Lodging before 8/1/2021 reimbursement remains $98 + taxes.

MILEAGE: Effective 7/1/2022, mileage will be reimbursed at $0.50 per mile, following updated Iowa Department of Administrative Services policies and procedures.

LODGING: Effective 1/1/2022, lodging in Iowa must be certified as having taken the Iowa Office to Combat Human Trafficking training in order to be eligible for reimbursement.

For more information: