
If your newborn undergoes screening and does not pass the hearing screens, it is recommended he or she receives a diagnostic assessment before three months of age. A diagnostic assessment is a test to give you more information about the hearing abilities of your newborn. You can learn from an audiologist about how a diagnostic assessment is performed. Not all audiology providers are able to provide this test for young infants. Find an appropriate diagnostic audiology center near you here or by contacting the Iowa Family Support Network at (888) 425-4371. 

If your newborn has already received a diagnosis of a permanent hearing loss, you will receive the written results from your provider. There is a spectrum along which diagnosis could occur, from completely deaf to slightly hard-of-hearing to at-risk for hearing loss. Your understanding of your baby’s hearing loss and the services available to your baby and family will play an essential role in helping your child to succeed. We are here to help your family learn about hearing loss and where to do for support services.

Our Guides to You

After your child has received a diagnosis of a permanent hearing loss, our program will send your family a parent guide. The parent guide is available in English and Spanish (Guia para Padres en Español). This parent guide is meant to get you started in knowing what are some next steps and resources available to your child and your family related to the newly diagnosed hearing loss. The parent guide is not a comprehensive list, however, it was designed by families and professionals with families like yours in mind. We encourage you to review all of the information included in the parent guide and request your feedback as we work to improve it. 

Additionally, a more comprehensive resource guide is available in both English and Spanish (Guia de Recursos en Español) by calling (800) 383-3826. Such guide was also developed with the help of many dedicated professionals and families to assist other families in their journey. The resource guide will provide you with the basic knowledge needed to navigate Iowa’s service system. Helpful information included in the resource guide include:

  • hearing loss
  • how the ear works
  • types of hearing loss
  • causes of hearing loss
  • medical follow-up
  • hearing aids and other technologies for children with hearing loss
  • and more!

 It is also helpful to connect with families who have already been on this journey. Learn more about one family's journey- Trevor's Story

Understanding the Language

Need help understanding the medical and audiology terms and vocabulary used to describe your child’s hearing loss, communication methods, assistive hearing devices, etc.? Use this glossary to improve communication with the health professionals caring for your child.

Other Resources for You: