Early Interventionists

You empower children and families

Each year, approximately 12,000 babies are born in the United States with permanent hearing loss. With 3 of every 1,000 newborns having hearing loss, it is the most frequently occurring birth defect.  Additionally, another 2 to 3 per 1,000 children will acquire hearing loss after birth.   

As the early interventionist, you are critical to connecting families to the services that they need as they navigate life with a child with hearing loss. By acting quickly and serving as a constant resource, you are catalyzing continuous improvement and empowering them to live a normal life despite hearing loss. It can be difficult to navigate the multitude of different funding, support and communication options, so your role in informing families of the resources will help them choose the services that will best meet their needs.

Key resources:

Please use the resources to the left to see the various options available for your families, including family support, educational materials, funding options and available technology, along with the other reference pieces. Thank you for your work. You are a valued member of the Iowa EHDI Team. Together we will work to support children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families.

Best Practices

Learn about EHDI best practices and access tools to help you meet these standards. Also includes current EHDI research articles.

Educational Materials

These are materials that you can use to learn more about the importance of early hearing detection and intervention and share with your patients. There is also a newsletter to keep you informed about the happenings at the EHDI program, a parent fact sheet, a family resource guide and much more.

EHDI Database

The EHDI database is the primary system through which EHDI program data is collected. If you have a need to access the database, or want to learn more about how to use the database, the information can be found here.


There are a variety of reporting and referral forms that are available for your use, including to Early ACCESS. Another set of forms that is available are the parent refusal documents.

Laws and Administrative Rules

EHDI operates under Iowa Code and Iowa Administrative Rules. Those documents can be accessed here.

Additional resources to explore with families: