Items Required to Operate a Tanning Facility

The following items are necessary to properly operate your tanning facility:

Large Warning Sign

The large warning sign must be posted where the consumers sign up with the operator and readily visible to the public.

Small Warning Sign

The small warning sign must be posted in each room and readily visible to the consumer.

IDPH Health Warning - Photosensitizing Drug List

The IDPH Health Warnings - Photosensitizing Drug list must be posted in each room and readily visible to the consumer.

Employee Test

The employee test must be completed by each employee that will handle the tanning consumers. The test may be taken using the Training Manual for Operators. The test should be completed according to the directions on the test. All tests will be reviewed by the inspector during the annual inspection.

Report of Burn or Injury

A report must be made to IDPH of all burns or injuries requiring a doctor’s attention. All other burns or injuries should be noted on the consumer’s record.