EMS Disciplinary Actions

The IDPH is the lead agency responsible for the development, implementation, coordination, and regulation of Iowa’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system.  Components of Iowa’s EMS system include certified EMS providers, authorized transport and non-transport service programs, and authorized EMS Training Programs.  Failure to comply with the established rules, regulations, and standards by certified EMS providers, authorized service programs, or EMS training programs may result in disciplinary actions.

Notice of Proposed Action

Information provided within this section reflects public notification of proposed action (denial, citation and warning, consent agreement, probation, suspension, or revocation) by the Department involving the named individual, service program, or training program. The Department will post all notice of proposed action against Iowa EMS Providers, Iowa EMS Services, and Iowa EMS Training Programs once the Department has verification that the involved party has received a copy of the notice of proposed action.

Once a notice of proposed action document has been received by the involved party they have 20 days to appeal the proposed action. If no request for an appeal hearing is received within the 20 day time period, the Department’s notice of proposed action becomes the final action. If a request for an appeal hearing is received by the Department, the proposed action is suspended until the adjudication process is completed. In certain situations, based on additional factual information, the Department may rescind the proposed or final action.

Notices of appeal, rescinded actions, and any additional adjudication decisions pertaining to the Department’s proposed action will be posted under the named individual, service program, or training program. 

Civil Penalty Assessment

The Bureau of Emergency and Trauma Services bases disciplinary action upon precedent and the unique circumstances surrounding each specific incident investigated by the Bureau. Final actions issued by the Bureau of Emergency and Trauma Services may result in the assessment of a civil penalty regardless of the type of offense. If the actions of the Bureau result in the assessment of a civil penalty payment is due prior to the reinstatement of EMS certification. Failure of an EMS provider, EMS program or EMS training program to satisfy the civil penalty imposed by the Bureau of Emergency and Trauma Services may result in additional action being taken against the licensee up to and including, but not limited to, revocation. A civil penalty assessed against a licensee for a proposed action sanctioned by the Bureau of Emergency and Trauma Services is not subject to appeal based solely on the civil penalty assessed. A civil penalty sanctioned against a licensee may not exceed $1,000.00 per occurrence as set forth in Iowa Administrative Code 641-131.7(2)b and 641-132.10(3). Monies received from civil penalties are distributed back into the EMS system and are not used for operations of the Bureau of Emergency and Trauma Services.

When appropriate, disciplinary actions are reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank, an electronic repository administered by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration to track adverse license actions.

Public Disciplinary Documents

Effective October 2, 2018 all public disciplinary actions relating to Iowa EMS providers, Iowa EMS service programs, and Iowa EMS training programs have been transitioned to the IDPH Regulatory search engine via the AMANDA Portal. Public disciplinary actions will no longer be posted directly to this section of the Bureau of Emergency and Trauma Services website. All public disciplinary actions posted to this website prior to October 2, 2018 will remain as posted and available for review.

The IDPH Regulatory search engine is located at the following website: https://dphregprograms.iowa.gov/PublicPortal/Iowa/IDPH/common/index.jsp  This page allows you to access regulatory information for Individuals and Businesses Licensed, Registered, Permitted, Certified or otherwise approved to perform activities regulated bureaus. Instructions for searching the website are outlined on the web page.

In addition to posting public disciplinary documents on the AMANDA Portal the Bureau of Emergency and Trauma Services reports disciplinary actions to the National Practitioner Data Bank. The National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) is a web-based repository of reports containing information on medical malpractice payments and certain adverse actions related to health care practitioners, providers, and suppliers. Established by Congress in 1986, it is a workforce tool that prevents practitioners from moving state to state without disclosure or discovery of previous damaging performance. The NPDB assists in promoting quality health care and deterring fraud and abuse within health care delivery systems. Federal regulations authorize eligible entities to report to and/or query the NPDB. Individuals and organizations who are subjects of these reports have access to their own information. The reports are confidential, and not available to the public. The National Practitioner Data Bank is a website which is not owned or operated by the Iowa Department of Public Health or the Iowa Bureau of Emergency and Trauma Services. The National Practitioner Data Bank is located at the following website. https://www.npdb.hrsa.gov/topNavigation/aboutUs.jsp


Iowa Dept. of Public Health Public Notice of Proposed Actions




May 2021

  • No Proposed Actions


June 2021

  • No Proposed Actions


July 2021

  • No Proposed Actions


August 2021

  • No Proposed Actions


September 2021

  • Suspension/Probation / Civil Penalty/Education, Miranda Depyper, Palo Alto County, Iowa
  • Citation and Warning / Civil Penalty, Bridgette Zaputil, Appanoose County, Iowa
  • Citation and Warning / Civil Penalty, Midwest Medical Transport, Omaha, Nebraska
  • Citation and Warning / Civil Penalty, Sammantha Sullivan, Winneshiek, Iowa
  • Citation and Warning / Civil Penalty, Holly Sampson, Benton, Iowa


October 2021

  • Citation and Warning / Civil Penalty,  Dayton Rescue Inc, Webster County, Iowa
  • Citation and Warning / Civil Penalty, Wes Love, Louisa County, Iowa
  • Citation and Warning / Civil Penalty, Jamie Brame, Washington County, Iowa
  • Citation and Warning / Civil Penalty, Josh Mohror, Washington County, Iowa


November 2021 

  • No Proposed Actions


 December 2021 

  • Citation and Warning / Civil Penalty, Ryan Coburn - Warren County, Iowa
  • Probation / Civil Penalty, Midwest Medical Transport - Omaha, Nebraska


January 2022

  • No Proposed Actions


February 2022

  • No Proposed Actions

March 2022

  • No Proposed Actions

April 2022

  • No Proposed Actions

May 2022

  • No Proposed Actions





Additional details may be available by performing a search at IDPH Regulatory Programs.

Instruction on performing a search PDF