CSA Data Resources

WIC Data
Topic Description File Link
WIC Breastfeeding Rates Data provides a summary of the number and percent of WIC infants ever breastfed, breastfed for 6 months (of all infants) and breastfed for 6 months (of ever breastfed infants). 2020 WIC Breastfeeding Rates PDF
WIC demographics Data provides a summary of the demographics of WIC participants by state and local level. WIC Participant Demographics (zipped folder)
WIC participant data Data provides a summary of the current WIC population along with an overview of gaps and needs. WIC Participant Data Report 2018-2020 PDF

Iowa WIC Participant Demographics 2020
Participant Type by Current Contractor and Proposed CSA Region
2020 Physical Activity and Nutrition BRFSS Data Report Data provides a summary of the most recent overweight and obesity, fruit and veggie consumption, physical activity neighborhood physical activity and food insecurity rates in Iowa in 2020. BNPA 2020 Data PDF
2019 Adult Obesity Report Data provides a summary of overweight and obesity rates in Iowa in 2019. 2019 BRFSS obesity report PDF


Maternal Health Data
Topic Description File Link
MH Data by CSA This document provides a wide variety of data related to maternal health outcomes and services, broken out by county and CSA. This data may prove useful for grant writing within the Spring 2022 funding forecast. MH Data by CSA PDF


Child and Adolescent Health Data
Topic Description File Link
Lead Screening Data brief provides a summary of the proportion of children who received a blood lead test and the proportion of children with a ‘high’ blood lead test result. Lead Levels and Testing Brief PDF
Developmental Screening Data brief provides a summary of ASQ data reported by domain. Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) Brief PDF


Oral Health Data
Topic Description File Link
County Dental Resources Provider level resources listed by county profile State/County Dental Data PDF


Community-based Organization Environmental Scan Information
Topic Description File Link
CBO Information by County Zipped file contains county specific information related to Community Based Organizations that serve priority populations. Zipped County Files (zipped folder)