Resources for Bureau of Family Health Grantees

Program Management:

Project Management Portal - These sites are provided to assist agencies in carrying out the requirements of the Maternal and Child Health services contracts as well as Title X Family Planning with the Iowa Department of Public Health. The project management portal sites are private. For access, please contact your MCH and/or Title X Family Planning Consultant or call 1-800-383-3826.


Administrative Manual for Community Based Programs

This manual has been developed as a guide and reference for implementation of the Maternal and Child and Adolescent Health services contract with the Iowa Department of Public Health. However, the manual may be helpful to others interested in systems development or other maternal and child and adolescent health activities.

New Telework Policy - 312 PDF

EPSDT Care for Kids Informing and Care Coordination Handbook 

The EPSDT Care for Kids Informing and Care Coordination Handbook assists Title V Child Health agencies and their subcontractors in implementing EPSDT Care for Kids informing and care coordination services.

View the EPSDT Care for Kids Informing and Care Coordination Handbook here PDF

DHS Policy Manuals

The Iowa Medicaid Provider Manuals for Maternal Health Centers and Screening Centers contain basic information concerning Iowa’s Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid). All providers of health agencies enrolled as a Medicaid Maternal Health Center and/or Screening Center use these manuals. They contain information on services, policies, procedures, and billing for these Medicaid programs.

Trainings and Posted Webinars

5-2-1-0 Maternal and Child Health Toolkit

On June 29, 2020, Iowa Department of Public Health, Blank Children’s Hospital, and Dr. Jennifer Groos partnered to host a webinar called “Introduction to the 5-2-1-0 Healthy Habits Toolkit for Maternal and Child Health Care Providers”. The goal of the training was to enable healthcare professionals to enhance knowledge and skills in promoting healthy lifestyle habits promoted in the toolkit to pregnant women and families with young children. The toolkit was recently revised to include information for pregnant women and infants and children age 0-2 that wasn’t previously included. The project was funded by the Children’s Healthy Weight CoIIN grant through the Association of State Public Health Nutritionists (ASPHN) and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Speakers included Dr. Groos, 5-2-1-0 Health Care Lead, Nicole Newman, RD, LD, and Stephanie Trusty, RN.

Continuing Education:
  • To be eligible for continuing education, the post-test must be completed after viewing the webinar recording.
  • 1.0 contact hour for nurses is available through August 29, 2020.
  • 1.0 CPEUs for dietitians is available through June 29, 2021.

Child Health Resources Webinar

Webinar for Contractors Newly Providing Lead Testing

Other Links of Interest:

2010 Iowa Child and Family Household Health Survey

The 2010 Iowa Child and Family Household Health Survey (IHHS) is a comprehensive, statewide effort to evaluate the health status, access to health care, and social environment of children and families in Iowa. The first IHHS was conducted in 2000, the second in 2005, and the most recent in 2010. The survey instrument for the 2010 IHHS can be found below.

Additional Resources