Child Care Nurse Consultants


Child Care Nurse Consultants (CCNC) are Registered Nurses who provide on-site consultation, training, and technical assistance to early childhood care and education providers.  Child care and early education businesses may call or send questions to a CCNC about health and safety policies, health programs, health of personnel, and specific child health or safety issues. To locate your Child Care Nurse Consultant, go to:

Healthy Child Care Iowa supports local Maternal and Child Health agencies to define the role and responsibilities of the Child Care Nurse Consultant. CCNC's are required to complete the Iowa Training Project for Child Care Nurse Consultants (ITPCCNC) training.  The purpose of ITPCCNC is to expand the nurse's knowledge and skills to work with early childhood care and education providers. To aid in CCNC role definition and development of partnerships the following resources are available.