Division of Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention


The Division of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention promotes and supports development of public health infrastructure and access to health care/services at the local and state level. Through financial support, education, ongoing technical assistance and monitoring, the division supports the development and delivery of services that promote and protect the health of Iowans and contribute to supporting all Iowans’ ability to be as healthy as possible. 

The division establishes program standards, identifies performance measures and assists local boards of health, local public health departments and health care providers to develop quality and effective services that are community-driven, culturally appropriate and responsive to their community’s needs, and consistent with federal or state regulations and/or funding requirements.

Both population-based and personal health services are provided through contracts with city or county governmental units or agencies serving a county or regional area. Health promotion, with attention to health equity, is central to all services provided. Programs incorporate a wide range of opportunities including: services directed at preventing and/or managing chronic diseases (i.e. cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and dementia and cardiovascular disease); oral/dental health services, maternal and child health services, family planning services, adolescent health, child health specialty clinics, built environment support and nutrition services, including the WIC (Women, Infant and Children) program.

Contact Information

Division Director
Lucas State Office Building
321 E. 12th Street
Des Moines, IA  50319-0075
(515) 281-7769