Information about Coverage

Prediabetes in the U.S. is an Epidemic 

Approximately 84 million adults in the United States have prediabetes. $245 billion is the total costs for people diagnosed with diabetes. Annually, a person with diabetes incurs medical of about $13,700 (CDC, 2017). In Iowa, roughly 35% of the adult population has prediabetes. That is more than 838,611 adults in Iowa. Left untreated, 15-30% of these people with prediabetes will develop type 2 diabetes within the next five years (DoIHavePrediabetes.org, 2016).

The good news, is there is a Lifestyle Change Program, the National Diabetes Prevention Program, that has been been proven effective at reducing the incidence rate of type 2 diabetes. It saves money. Also, while reducing the rates of type 2 diabetes, other chronic diseases are avoided by this program. More than just diabetes is prevented! 

Coverage Assistance

The toolkit below can assist Medicaid Agencies, Medicaid MCOs and Commercial Plans initiate coverage for the National Diabetes Prevention Program. 

Current Iowa Payers and Employers Providing DPP

- Medicare

- United Healthcare

- Nationwide

- Grinnell Mutual

- Wells Fargo

- John Deere

Medicare Coverage for Diabetes Prevention Programs

Nationally, Medicare covers the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) to its Medicare Part B beneficiaries. Visit these links if you have questions regarding implementing coverage to Medicare beneficiariescriteria for MDPP, would like more information on the NDPP or if you would like to find a program in Iowa near you. You can also find a MDPP near you here.

Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program Orientation


Current Iowa Initiatives

The two documents below are what Iowa is currently working on. The Statewide Strategic Plan's intends to improve diabetes outcomes in quality, patient safety, patient experience, and cost. The Action Plan's overarching objective is to decrease the new cases of diabetes among Iowans with prediabetes and those at highest risk, by increasing enrollment and completion of CDC-recognized diabetes prevention programs.  

Patient Identification and Referral Tools