Provide Supervision

Child and Adult Swimming

The Swimming Pool and Spa Program recommends swimming with supervision in swimming pools, spas, or other areas specifically designated for swimming. Close supervision of young children and non-swimmers is essential whenever they are in or around the water. Whenever possible, swim in areas with lifeguard supervision as an added layer of protection. Remember these safety tips when swimming:

  • Never swim alone.
  • Parents and caregivers should provide proper supervision of their children whenever they are in or around the water.
  • Children under the age of 5 should always remain within an arms-reach of their parent or caregiver when they are in the water.

Safety Tips While Providing Supervision

Here are some additional tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics on how to keep your children safe around the pool:

  • Never - even for a moment - leave small children alone or in the care of another young child while in swimming pools or spas.
  • If children are in child care, ask about exposure to water and the ratio of adults to children.
  • Do not use air-filled swimming aids (such as inflatable arm bands) in place of life jackets. They can deflate and are not designed to keep swimmers safe.
  • Children that are weak swimmers or non-swimmers should wear a life jacket when they are in or around water.
  • Parents should know the depth of the water and any underwater hazards before allowing children to jump in. The first time you enter the water, jump feet first; don’t dive.
  • Parents should remember that inflatable pools and hot tubs can also be dangerous for children. Inflatable pools are easily accessible to children and should also have fences.
  • Certified CPR training is yet another precaution that parents and older children can take to help prevent drowning deaths.