Integrated Provider Network Grant - Prevention


The Integrated Provider Network (IPN) Grant provides statewide, community-based, resiliency- and recovery-oriented system of care for substance use and problem gambling services (prevention, early intervention, treatment, and recovery support).  Prevention services are provided through 18 contractors that serve all 99 counties in Iowa.

IPN services are funded by the State General Fund appropriations for substance use and problem gambling services and the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SABG) through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Contractors comply with the definition of prevention in IAC 641-155 Licensure Standards for Substance Use Disorder and Problem Gambling Treatment Program: “activities aimed at minimizing the use of potentially addictive substances, lowering risk in at-risk individuals, or minimizing potential adverse consequences of substance use or gambling.”

Through 18 contractors serving all of Iowa’s 99 counties, prevention services are provided that address the lifespan using evidence-based programs appropriate to different persons and populations. Services are identified through the Strategic Prevention Framework and utilize the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Strategies and Institute of Medicine classifications. The following priorities are addressed through IPN prevention services:

  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Methamphetamine
  • Prescription Medications/Opioids
  • Problem Gambling
  • Suicide
  • Tobacco



Katie Bee at 515-214-3699

Julie Hibben at 515-326-5703