Meetings & Trainings

Below are the scheduled meetings and trainings, and those that have been recorded, including related handouts (if applicable).

Click here for the SFY 2022 IPN Grant Meeting Schedule PDF


IPN Claim Process Instructions (SFY 2021) Training   (July 28, 2020)

Community of Practice (IPNCoP)

The IPNCoP will be a platform to interact regularly, and as a group, exchange tools and information, learn how to do what we do better, and how we can help each other.

 Click here for the SFY 2022 IPN Grant Meeting Schedule PDF (includes Arrow with people on itIPNCoP schedule and how to access).

SFY 2021 Meeting Schedule

SFY 2022 Meeting Schedule

Data Reporting

I-SMART Problem Gambling Domain Training  (December 2018)  Handouts PDFData Reporting


IPN Overview Meeting  (December 2018)

IPN Kick-Off Roundtable  (January 2019)  FAQ's PDF

IPN Prevention Webinar FAQ's (January - March 2019)  PDF

IPN Meeting  (July 2019)


SFY 2019 

An Introduction to Problem Gambling Prevention (April 2019)

Assessing Community Readiness (November 2019) 

Collaboration Between Substance Abuse & Tobacco Control Webinar (July 2019)

Evaluation 101  (February 2019)

Evidence Based Programs, Policies and Practices  (February 2019)  EBP Handout PDF

IDPH Prevention Survey Review Webinar (June 2019)

IPN Assessment Deliverable Review Webinar (October 2019)

IPN Prevention Services Orientation  (January 2019)

IPN Strategic Prevention Framework Overview ( January 2019)

I-SMART Activity Types/Group Names Webinar  (March 2019)

I-SMART Prevention: How to Avoid Revisions Webinar (July 2019)

I-SMART Prevention Overview (February 2019)

I-SMART Prevention Questions/Answers  (March 2019)

Prevention 101  (January 2019)

Prevention Survey Overview  (March 2019)

Reducing Problem Gambling Across the Life Span (April 2019)

Strategic Prevention Framework Webinar Series   Assessment, Capacity and Mobilization  (September 23, 2019) Handouts PDF

Strategic Prevention Framework Webinar Series - Planning, Implementation and Evaluation  (September 27, 2019) Handouts PDF

Strategic Prevention Framework Webinar Series - Technical Assistance  (September 24, 2019) Handouts PDF

Strategic Prevention Framework Webinar Series - Tips for Measuring the SPF  (September 30, 2019) Handouts PDF

Substance Abuse Block Grant Set-Aside Orientation (February 2019)

Subcontracting Process Overview Webinar  (February 2019)

SFY 2020 

Coming soon!


SFY 2019

IPN Problem Gambling Treatment Services and Expectations  (February 14, 2019)  Handouts PDF

IPN Problem Gambling Treatment 101 Part 1  (February 20, 2019)  Handouts PDF

IPN Problem Gambling Treatment 101 Part 2  (February 21, 2019)  Handouts 

IPN Problem Gambling Intervention and Treatment  (February 27, 2019)  Handouts 

IPN Problem Gambling Treatment: Legal/Financial Concerns  (March 7, 2019)  Handouts 

IPN Problem Gambling Treatment: Gambling Trends (March 20, 2019) Handouts PDF

IPN Problem Gambling Treatment: Gambling Screening Technical Assistance  ( May 23, 2019)

Voluntary Self-Exclusion Webinar  (January 2019) Handouts PDF

SFY 2020

IPN Problem Gambling Treatment Lead TA Call  (February 20, 2020) Handouts PDF

IPN Problem Gambling Treatment Lead TA Follow-up Call  (March 26, 2020) Handouts 

SFY 2021

I-SMART State Waitlist Webinar  (September 30, 2020)

Relias Kick-off Call for IPN programs with New Contracts (November 5, 2020)

Relias Kick-off Call for IPN programs with Current Contracts (November 6, 2020)

Relias Implementation Call #1 (November 10, 2020)

Relias Implementation Call #2 (November 17, 2020)

Relias Implementation Call #3 (November 23, 2020)

SFY 2022

Your Life Iowa Problem Gambling Warm Hand-off Kick Off Meeting  (September 23, 20211)  Handouts PDF

IBHRS State Waitlist Training   (January 27, 2022) IBHRS State Waitlist Guide (January 2022) PDF 


Please direct questions and technical assistance requests to the IPN Help Desk at ipn@idph.iowa.gov.