Substance Use Disorder/Problem Gambling Treatment

The Licensure Standards for Substance Use Disorder and Problem Gambling Treatment Programs (IAC 641, Chapter 155) were revised in May 2015. The revised standards govern all substance use disorder and problem gambling program licenses and applications. Programs licensed under the previous standards are encouraged to review and understand the current standards prior to reapplication for licensure.

The licensure standards can be found at https://www.legis.iowa.gov/docs/aco/chapter/641.155.pdf. As stated in the standards, IDPH will proceed with an application following receipt of a complete application that includes all required materials and that is responsive to all licensure standards. If you have questions or need assistance with the application process please contact 515-242-6162.

All application or re-application are to be submitted to SUD.PG.License@idph.iowa.gov .

Program Licensure Application and Reapplication

Below are the application materials to be completed and submitted to IDPH for each type of program licensure.  

Additional Information

Below are the links to additional information to assist with application or re-application