Prevention Priorities - Suicide


Suicide is a public health concern that has lasting effects on many individuals, families and communities in Iowa. Suicide rates vary by race, ethnicity, age, gender and other population characteristics, but suicide can affect anyone. Suicide shares risk and protective factors with other public health issues including substance use and intimate partner violence. YourLifeIowa.org is an Iowa-based helpline where people can call, text, or chat live for free and confidential support if concerned about suicidality for themselves or others.


  • In 2019, suicide was the 10th leading cause of death for all Iowans and the second leading cause of death for those ages 15-44 (Vital Statistics of Iowa Annual Report, 2019).
  • One-quarter of 11th grade students reported that they had thought about killing themselves within the past twelve months (Iowa Youth Survey, 2018).
  • Physical health problems as a circumstance of suicide increase with age, with approximately two-thirds of the suicides by Iowans 65 years or older in 2017 having physical health problems as one of the circumstances (Iowa Violent Death Reporting System, 2017).


Save a Life



American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Iowa Chapter

CommUnity Crisis Services and Foodbank

Crisis Text Line

Foundation 2

Iowa Suicide Bereavement Support Groups 

Iowa Plan for Suicide Prevention 2022-2027 

Know The Signs: Suicide Is Preventable

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Iowa Chapter

National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Now Matters Now

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

The Trevor Project

Trans Lifeline

Who can I contact for more information?

Keri Neblett at 515-314-0118